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pipe nipple中文是什么意思

用"pipe nipple"造句"pipe nipple"怎么读"pipe nipple" in a sentence


  • 短管
  • 管螺纹接套
  • 管子接头
  • 管子螺纹接头


  • Standard specification for brass , copper , and chromium - plated pipe nipples
  • Brake pipe nipple
  • Brass pipe nipple
  • Steel fittings for railway vehicles - pipe nipples , double pipe nipples , swadged nipples
  • All wetted valve components - test cocks , ball valve shutoffs , pipe nipples , body and cover , and check modules are made from " lead free " stainless steel or plastic construction
  • Besides , our company also produce " mech " brand malleable iron , gray iron , ductile iron , bronze threaded pipe fittings with american standard , din standard and british standard , steel pipe nipples , red brass nipples , stainless steel nipples and other casting products , with annual output of 70 , 000 tons . the sales revenue in year 2002 reaches rmb430 million , including export revenue usd40 million and profit rmb120 million which has created a miracle in china " s casting industry
    我公司还生产迈克牌英美和德制玛钢灰铁球铁和青铜螺纹管件,钢管接管接头,铜接管接头,不锈钢接管接头,和其他铸造产品,年生产能力7万吨2002年度实现销售收入4 . 3亿元,其中自营出口4000万美元,利税1 . 6亿元,利润1 . 2亿元,在中国同行业中创造了奇迹。
  • Besides , our company also produce " mech " brand malleable iron , gray iron , ductile iron , bronze threaded pipe fittings with american standard , din standard and british standard , steel pipe nipples , red brass nipples , stainless steel nipples and other casting products , with annual output of 70 , 000 tons . the sales revenue in year 2002 reaches rmb430 million , including export revenue usd40 million and profit rmb120 million which has created a miracle in china " s casting industry . " mech " brand products sell well all over the world and enjoy an excellent reputation among our customers
    我公司还生产迈克牌英美和德制玛钢灰铁球铁和青铜螺纹管件,钢管接管接头,铜接管接头,不锈钢接管接头,和其他铸造产品,年生产能力7万吨2002年度实现销售收入4 . 3亿元,其中自营出口4000万美元,利税1 . 6亿元,利润1 . 2亿元,在中国同行业中创造了奇迹。
用"pipe nipple"造句  


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